Recommended Reading List for First-year HCI Ph.D. students

Before you start, we want to make sure you have enough background information to proceed. We have prepared the following “must-reads” for you to get started. Photo by cottonbro studio from Pexels.

  • [Book] The Craft of Research (, Wayne C. Booth (Read at least the first 4 Chapters)
  • [Book] Human Computer Interaction: An empirical research perspective (, by Scott MacKenzie (Read at least Chapter 3, 4, and 5)
  • [Book] Research methods in Human Computer Interaction (, by Jonathan Lazar (, Jinjuan Heidi Feng (, Harry Hochheiser ( (skim through to know where the content is so that you can refer to them later when needed)
  • [Course] Coursera specialization, ( is good. But some courses/videos are not that much relevant (Instead of using the 7-day trial, try Audit)
  • [Video] How to read papers: (
  • [Slides] Literature review: Survey paper start- Literature review (
  • [Paper] HCI research as problem-solving (, by Antti Oulasvirta and Kasper Hornbæk
  • [Paper] Research Contributions in Human-Computer Interaction (, Jacob O. Wobbrock
  • [Book] Andy Field’s Discovering Statistics ( (reference, skim through, but you need to study it later)
  • [Book] On Writing Well ( — by William Zinsser Photo by cottonbro studio from Pexels.